RICS market valuation-general
Market Valuations (Residential)
We carry out all types of residential valuations for a variety of clients, whether it be for homebuyers, homeowners, solicitors, individuals, housing associations, corporate clients or developers.
There are many other reasons why you made need a Residential Valuation. It could be buying a property, matrimonial purposes, a lease extension, building insurance re-instatement cost, taxation, probate purposes, capital gains, investment, auction acquisitions, shared equity, Charities Act, audits, Right to Buy, stair-casing, freehold acquisition and so the list goes on.
Many valuations are referred to as ‘Red Book’ valuations. These are valuations based on the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Professional Standards which contain the mandatory practices for chartered surveyors undertaking valuation services. The vast majority of property valuations are Red Book valuations and will be unless specifically specified/detailed otherwise. The Red Book requirements include the International Valuation Standards 2020.
All our residential valuations are carried out by RICS registered valuers.
If you would like a quote and you are not sure what type of valuation you need or on what basis, call us and speak to one of our surveyors, if we can help we will.
To book an appointment for properties in Kent please contact our Head Office on 01732 752099 or for properties in London on 020 80579890 or by e-mail to office@selkentsurveyors.co.uk